
    PropertyBase Integrates With PropertyRadar

    PropertyBase Integrates With PropertyRadar

    What is PropertyBase?

    PropertyBase is a complete CRM, backend office, and lead generation system for real estate agents and mortgage brokerage teams. In the real estate industry, your ability to develop relationships with your clients is critical to the growth of your business.PropertyBase enables you to make the most of your time and automate key portions of the relationship tracking and building process.  

    PropertyBase also includes features that allow you to grow your presence online outside of simple relationship management.Using pre-made templates in PropertyBase, you can launch your own real estate agent or company website, which plugs directly into your CRM, streamlining digital lead generation for your business.


    The platform includes numerous important features for mortgage brokers or real estate agents and their teams. Their CRM is fully-featured. They offer complete integration for lead generation through digital advertising campaigns.

    However, you still need the necessary advertising budget to make full use of all those great features. It isn’t like you sign up for your PropertyBase and your account comes pre-loaded with leads.

    That’s where PropertyRadar comes in.

    Using PropertyRadar’s integration with PropertyBase, you can keep your account loaded with high-quality leads that meet very specific criteria. That’s because PropertyRadar has data and insights for millions of properties and property owners across the country. With an industry-leading 200+ criteria, you can build unlimited segmented mailing lists of all your ideal customer profiles and have new leads sent directly to PropertyBase, automatically.

    With the PropertyRadar and PropertyBase integration, you’re taking the power of PropertyBase to new levels.

    Benefits of Integrating PropertyRadar with PropertyBase

    Mailing lists, aka marketing lists, are the lifeblood of your marketing campaigns.

    Buying mailing lists from 3rd parties frequently leads to frustration and disappointment. Too often the data used to build their lists is outdated and inaccurate, which ends up wasting your time, money, and hurting your productivity.

    Moreover, when you buy a mailing list from 3rd parties, you often have to pay more for each additional list if you want to stack data for better segmentation.

    With PropertyRadar you’ll find no such restrictions. PropertyRadar’s data is clean, refined, enhanced, easy to use, and actionable. And you can build as many lists as you need.

    Build Unlimited Segmented Marketing Lists To Feed PropertyBase New Leads

    You surely have more than one ideal customer profile. With PropertyRadar, you can build as many lists as you need to represent all your ideal customer profiles and feed them directly into PropertyBase. And with 200+ criteria and millions of properties & property owners to build lists from, well, you do the math.

    With so much data at your fingertips, it's easy to get a little overwhelmed at first. Many people aren't sure where to start. That's why we created Quick Lists.

    Quick Lists are pre-built mailing lists with specific criteria already built in. So, getting started is easy. For example, out of the gate, you can immediately generate geo-targeted lists that are perfect for:

    • Real Estate Investors
    • Real Estate Agents (Realtors®)
    • Home Services Businesses
    • Mortgage Professionals

    Here are some of the Quick Lists to help you get started if you’re in one of the 4 industries above:

    PropertyRadar and PropertyBase integration uses Quick Lists - prebuilt mailing lists

    Mailing Lists with Comprehensive Insights

    Connecting with prospects on your mailing list is where the rubber meets the road. In order to craft compelling messaging that grabs your prospects attention, you need to understand their wants, needs, and desires. 

    That’s why with each list you create you get deep insights into the list profile. You’ll better understand the commonalities of a list for both the property and property owners. Simply click Insights on your list:

    Get mailing list insights with new PropertyRadar and Propertybase integration

    After you click Insights, you’ll see obvious and not-so-obvious insights and details about properties and property owners that you simply can’t get anywhere else.

    Within Owner Insights, you get a snapshot overview of your list as well as a visual representation of the following owner details:

    • Snapshot (overview) of Property Owners making up list
    • Owner Type
    • Gender
    • Age
    • Education Level
    • Marital Status
    • Ethnicity
    • Interests
    • More
    PropertyBase integration with PropertyRadar provides deep insights into property owners

    Within Property Insights, you get a snapshot overview of your list as well as a visual representation of the following property details:

    • Snapshot (overview) of Properties making up list
    • Property type
    • Owner occupied
    • Transaction volume per month
    • Estimated equity
    • Assessed value
    • Estimated tax rate
    • More
    PropertyBase integration with PropertyRadar provides deep insights into properties

    Between the criteria you select to build your lists and the deep insights you get for every list you’ll have more information and data about your audience that you could never find using the industry’s typical ‘flat-file’ approach.

    With this new powerful data at the ready, writing tailored cold calling scripts, craft compelling marketing messaging for mailers, and designing eye-catching personalized creative assets will be easier than ever.

    Autofill PropertyBase with High-Quality Leads

    Imagine logging into PropertyBase and seeing you have new, high-quality leads waiting for you to reach out. Seem like a dream? It’s not. Integrate PropertyRadar with PropertyBase and that’s exactly what you'll expect.

    That’s because PropertyRadar’s dynamic mailing list can update themselves with new leads when prospects match criteria you set for a list.

    There are hundreds of thousands of life events occurring every day. PropertyRadar processes those daily events, aka – data, and delivers them to our customers, giving them faster access to new data every day.

    The end result is the ability to alert you quickly to the best new opportunities, and to automate actions against those opportunities for you. No one else in the industry offers anything close to this capability.

    PropertyRadar integrates with PropertyBase to autofill PropertyBase with new leads

    PropertyRadar makes keeping PropertyBase continually and persistently full with new, high-quality leads possible.

    PropertyBase Integration with PropertyRadar Use Cases

    Use Case #1: Real Estate Agents

    PropertyBase is an incredibly popular CRM for Realtors® who practice real estate farming. To run a successful business, you need a constant flow of high-quality leads into your pipeline. A portion of those leads will back out to new deals. So, the more high quality leads that you can get into your pipeline — the more your revenue will grow.

    But that process can be very time-consuming. Buying third-party lists often means double-checking and verifying the lists before you begin your outreach. For many real estate agents that rely on third-party lists, the outcome is that the lists are unreliable and they end up spending too much time on fixing the lists themselves.

    With the integration between PropertyBase and PropertyRadar, you’ll be able to generate quality lists of leads, complete with owner information, so that you can convert them into clients. You can specify more than 200+ criteria that make someone an ideal prospect for your business, and zero-in on them with the in-depth insights offered by PropertyRadar.

    Some examples of different criteria that you can use to identify leads in your target market include:

    • Specific geographic areas (down to individual neighborhoods or streets)
    • Recently listed properties
    • Recently sold properties
    • Absentee owners
    • Cash buyers
    • more

    These are just a few of the many different criteria that you can use to find high-quality prospects. Using the Quick List’s feature, you never even have to spend the time setting up your own list. You just select a service area and then the list will be auto-populated using the preset conditions. Then, those lists can be automatically added to PropertyBase via the integration.

    You can use PropertyRadar to identify prospects all the way down to a specific neighborhood. You can box-select your target area on a map, or just enter a standard street address to select an approximate target area.

    PropertyBase integrations with PropertyRadar for real estate agents

    Use Case #2: Mortgage Brokers

    Mortgage brokers need a consistent supply of new potential leads in their pipeline. You always have to be in contact with new buyers and investors to keep a constant flow coming into your business. With PropertyRadar you can generate a consistent flow of high-quality real estate leads and automatically load them into your PropertyBase CRM through the integration. You can hone in on the best opportunities in your target market.

    Using PropertyRadar, you can target property owners who are most likely ready to refinance, eliminate PMI, need cash out, want a reverse mortgage, borrow for investments, and much more. 

    Some of the different criteria that you can use to discover these leads include:

    • Owner equity information
    • Open loans
    • Borrowing history
    • Loan details
    • Co-owners
    • Length of ownership

    Prospect information that you generate through PropertyRadar includes their phone, email, and social media contact details.

    Then, PropertyRadar would automatically generate a list of all the properties that met those specifications within the selected geographic area.

    PropertyBase integration with PropertyRadar for Mortgage Brokers


    This means that with PropertyRadar you can employ a truly data-driven approach to prospecting that drives huge value for your business. If you had tried to handle list building on your own — you would likely have to spend hours or even days putting one together. And buying a list from third-party providers is not much better, as you’ll spend a lot of time cleaning the data and backfilling the list.

    With the PropertyRadar and PropertyBase integration, mortgage professionals can ensure that they are targeting the right prospects and opportunities in far less time. Thanks to PropertyRadar's automation options, you can put much of your prospecting and sales process on autopilot and focus on building relationships and growing your business.

    How to Integrate PropertyBase with PropertyRadar using Zapier

    Setting up the integration between PropertyBase and PropertyRadar is simple. You set up the integration using Zapier, which is a third-party integration tool that helps you connect different platforms with 'zaps'. With Zapier, all you’ll need to do is ensure that the correct data is being shared between the two platforms so that new leads can be automatically loaded into PropertyBase.

    But one important thing to note is that the integration that you create is not permanent. It can be changed whenever you want. You may find new ways of sharing data or want to set up new processes. That can easily be achieved through Zapier.

    But before you start building your integration, we strongly recommend that you map out your marketing automation workflow first. Know how your data will be used once it is shared between the two platforms, and how that information will need to flow to ensure that you are making the most of the integration.

    Here is an example of a workflow chart that you could put together to help you visualize how data will move between PropertyBase and PropertyRadar.

    PropertyBase integration with PropertyRadar for perfect marketing automation

    Creating a visualization can help to make the integration easier to set up. You can see the relationships between PropertyRadar, PropertyBase, and the data. Then, when you launch the integration in Zapier, you’ll know where each piece of data should flow.

    For video tutorials and more detailed instructions about how to automate marketing using Zapier integrations with PropertyRadar, visit this article here.

    With the integration in place, you will save hundreds of hours every year on prospecting and lead gen. That is full weeks of your time that you are getting back to focus on other aspects of your business! The hardest parts of the process can be automated.


    PropertyBase is a powerful CRM and lead generation tool for real estate professionals and mortgage brokers. When combined with PropertyRadar, you can ensure that your team has a constant flow of new leads added to their PropertyBase integration each and every day. They’ll never have to handle prospecting on their own again!

    Ready to take PropertyBase to the next level? Click here to start your free trial with PropertyRadar today.