
    Podio Integrates With PropertyRadar

    Podio Integrates With PropertyRadar

    What Is Podio?

    Podio is a popular task and team management tool used by real estate professionals and home services professionals. Owned by Citrix, the company's tagline “Get your team working in sync" — is exactly what the tool delivers for sales teams and companies to manage their documents, conversations, tasks, and project planning in one single location.

    Podio CRM for Podio integration with PropertyRadar

    But if you’re motivated to grow your business by feeding high-quality leads into Podio, then integrating PropertyRadar with Podio is the no-brainer integration you’ve been waiting for.

    That’s because for all its capabilities and conveniences, Podio, like most CRMs, productivity apps, and project management software, has a downside. It doesn’t come pre-loaded with high-quality leads – it’s empty. PropertyRadar changes that.

    Using PropertyRadar’s industry-leading 200+ property and owner criteria, you’ll be able to generate segmented mailing lists with high quality leads based on your ideal prospecting profiles and have them automatically populate Podio for you.

    With the PropertyRadar and Podio integration, you can put prospecting and marketing on autopilot. And that’s just the beginning of what a Podio integration with PropertyRadar can do for you.

    Benefits of Integrating PropertyRadar with Podio

    Forget about buying one-time lists with unreliable or outdated data. No more downloading and uploading spreadsheets. And no more manually adding prospects to Podio one by one. Once you’ve integrated PropertyRadar with Podio, you’ll enjoy a continuous stream of high-quality leads to connect with, nurture, and turn into deals.

    Generate Unlimited Marketing Lists

    Every real estate or home services professional has an ideal customer that defines their target audience. But it’s not uncommon to have secondary audiences that, while not a perfect fit, can still use or benefit from your offering. With PropertyRadar, you’ll be able to create as many mailing lists as you need to target any and all of your audiences.

    If you're curious about where to start, how about with our Quick Lists. These super convenient pre-built marketing lists have specific filtering criteria already built in for you, just add your location of interest and your list is complete and ready to go.

    Examples of Quick Lists for 4 industry professionals.

    1) Real Estate Investors, 2) Real Estate Agents (Realtors®), 3) Home Services Businesses, and 4) Mortgage Professionals:

    5f5a8510432e0365964760d7_quick-lists-Dec-06-2021-09-49-58-58-PM-1 (1)

    With 200+ criteria to choose from to build your lists, it can be a little overwhelming to use at first. That’s why QuickLists are a great, they’re perfect to quickly generate prospecting lists to feed Podio and start your marketing outreach sooner than later.

    Enjoy Comprehensive Insights on Prospects with Every List

    Lists are great but lists with deep insights into what your audience has in common beyond the obvious is even better.

    With PropertyRadar, you get deep insights into your targeted audience for every list you create and segment. See the details and get not-so-obvious insights and knowledge about properties and property owners that you simply can’t get anywhere else.

    Integrate Podio with PropertyRadar to build dynamic lists and get deep insights into marketing lists

    With this new powerful data, you’ll be equipped to better understand the pains, desires, wants, and needs of your target audiences. Writing powerful marketing messaging that grabs their attention and resonates with them is easier than it’s ever been. 

    Autofill Podio with Precisely Targeted Leads

    Among the many shortcoming you might find when buying or renting mailing lists from list sellers and brokers is the data on those lists start growing old the second you pay for them. Moreover, making those lists actionable takes some manual labor. You don’t have to worry about either with PropertyRadar.

    PropertyRadar’s owner information and property data is continuously updated, which means new leads are continuously matching your list criteria. As those new leads are generated, they automatically update your Dynamic Lists, which then auto-populate Podio – simply by integrating Podio with PropertyRadar.

    PRO INSIGHT: Automate your marketing by automatically sending a postcard or other mailer to a prospect the second they are added to your list. Simply set the Dynamic List’s marketing automation to trigger when a new lead is added. You can set the automation to simultaneously notify you by email or push notification of new leads. That’s marketing on autopilot – talk about working smarter not harder.

    Export segmented lists into Podio after you integrated it wiht PropertyRadar

    The Podio integration with PropertyRadar is what every professional who relies on lead generation, marketing automation, and deal closing needs. The opportunities and possibilities are endless.

    Podio Integration with PropertyRadar Use Case Scenarios

    PropertyRadar is an excellent solution for prospecting and lead gen for real estate investors, real estate agents, home services professionals, and more. Keeping your CRM filled with a continuous supply of high-quality leads is easy with the PropertyRadar and Podio integration.

    Let’s take a look at some use cases for this powerful integration duo.

    Use Case #1: Real Estate Investor

    The integration between PropertyRadar and Podio is a powerful one for real estate investors. You can create marketing lists of your ideal customers using criteria that signal a particular type of property would make a good investment, such as:

    • Property equity or value
    • Absentee owner
    • Foreclosures/pre-foreclosures
    • Recent change of ownership
    • Death of joint tenant
    • more

    If you’re a professional real estate investor and absentee owners happens to be one of your target audiences, here’s an example of what that would look like for you with the added criteria:

    • Location – Los Angeles, CA
    • Absentee Owner - lives in different county than property
    • Age – 60y/o+
    • Equity – 40%+
    • 2,000+ sqft
    Podio integration with PropertyRadar for real estate investors

    With 6,941prospects matching the above criteria, you can refine your list by adding additional criteria like lot size, number of beds/baths, includes a swimming pool or not, and more. Once you’ve created your list and sent it to Podio, you’re ready to start your marketing outreach.

    Use Case #2: Realtor®

    As a realtor, you know keeping a consistent flow of leads coming into your sales systems for you and your team is critical. But spending dozens of hours every month putting together lists of leads isn’t the best use of your time.

    Realtors® can create critical marketing lists by using many variables including:

    • Geographic farm
    • Just listed / just sold
    • First time home buyers
    • Absentee owners
    • Free & clear owners
    • Cash buyers
    • more

    Here’s a peak at one of the most popular QuickLists used by real estate agents and Realtors®, Geographic Farm. Using the predefined criteria, we simply add a location by drawing a perimeter around the market we’re targeting using PropertyRadar’s polygon drawing tool:

    Podio integration with PropertyRadar for Realtors and real estate agents

    You’ll be able to fill your pipeline with high-value leads, then using the ‘dynamic lists’ feature to ensure that new leads are added to Podio whenever they meet the predefined criteria that you set.

    Now, with your Dynamic List created of your market of interest, you can automate your multi-channel marketing mix to start turning your list of prospects into a list of hot leads.

    Use Case #3: Roofer

    For a high-ticket local service like roof replacement, PropertyRadar can completely change how you go about your prospecting. What makes a good lead for a roofing company?

    There are some situations that trigger people to invest in a new roof or make them particularly good candidates for outreach. Buying a new home can be a good trigger for investing in a new roof, if the previous owners did not replace it. Conversely, someone who just put their house on the market might need to replace their roof to either increase the value or to simply sell it.

    In the case of finding people who just listed their home, you can use a Quick List. You’ll navigate to Quick List > Home Services > Pre-movers as shown below:

    Podio integration with PropertyRadar for roofers and other home services professions

    In the case above, we’ve selected properties listed within the past 90 days. You can of course change the number of days to suit your needs.

    Another trigger that a roofer would find interesting is the amount of equity that a homeowner has in their home. If they have more than 50% equity, they may be more likely to make larger investments. The square footage of the home could be another trigger. The possibilities are numerous.

    Or, the square footage of the home. If a home is 2500+ square feet and is a one-story home, there is a high probability that a roof replacement project for that home would be high-dollar. There's simply more roof coverage for the home, which typically means larger projects.

    Whether you’re a roofer, solar panel installer, garage door installer, or another type of home services professional, all your customers are already in PropertyRadar waiting to be discovered.

    How To Integrate Podio With PropertyRadar Using Zapier

    You don’t have to be a data scientist to setup a Zapier integration between Podio and PropertyRadar. That’s why Zapier is so popular. They make it simple. That said, if it’s your first time, be sure to set aside some time to learn how it works and its handy filtering and formatting features..

    When creating integrations, it’s recommended you create a workflow chart to make the process go smoother. It looks something like this:

    Podio integration with PropertyRadar workflow diagram

    Design a workflow diagram (like the one shown above) to better understand the relationships between PropertyRadar, Zapier, and Podio visually. This helps in setting up your integrations, especially as they become more robust and complex with specific triggers and actions.

    A little upfront strategy gets everything working properly and the payoff is tremendous. Five hours to save 100 hours? Yes, please. By automating time-consuming, repetitive, low-skilled tasks, you’ll have more time to do the things you enjoy – like watching your bank account grow.

    For video tutorials and more detailed instructions about how to automate marketing, workflows, and repetitive tasks using Zapier integrations with PropertyRadar, visit this article here.


    Podio by itself is a powerful tool. However, if you’re a serious professional who’s motivated to take your business to the next level, the power of Podio integrated with PropertyRadar is game-changing. 

    Start your free trial with PropertyRadar and discover your future opportunities and prospects today.