
    10 Reasons Why PropertyRadar Needs To Be Your Next Real Estate Lead Generation Tool


    “The game’s evolving – it always is. You don’t want to be a dinosaur. You want to evolve with it.” – Davis Webb

    To say the real estate market toes a consistent line would be a giant fabrication.

    With the constant rise and fall of mortgage rates, the dips and swells of good inventory, the building pressure of inflation, the suffocating cost of living, and the ever-present wave of fierce competition for that perfect home – predictability is really the short end of the stick when it comes to property business.


    We have to be prepared for anything and everything – which is really exhausting and overwhelming when you think about it.

    And let us be the bearer of harsh but necessary truths here – the wild chaos that is the market isn’t changing anytime soon.


    In order for you to be successful – whether as a residential real estate agent, a property investor, or a dedicated flipper – whatever your unique role in the market may be, it’s a fundamental need for you to leverage all the tools in your toolkit to keep your doors open and stay ahead of the changes and fluctuations that come with property buying and selling.

    And we get it.

    You have your passion for the community, your contacts in surrounding neighborhoods, your picture-perfect website, your affinity for negotiating – awesome.

    But the game’s changing. 

    To be the best, you have to use the best.

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    And let us say this louder for the folks in the back – your best isn’t the methods of ye old 1995 anymore. 

    Heck – it’s not even the methods of 2015 anymore.

    Lead Generation Is Your Lifeline In The Housing Market

    The industry is changing, and you have to change right along with it.

    And if you haven’t heard – the wave of rising referral fees is the last straw that broke the realtor’s back.

    Property business is now officially lead generation business.


    Which means you need a red-hot strategy to generate more leads in less time in order to stay in the game. 

    Enter: PropertyRadar.

    PropertyRadar Is The Must-Have Tool To Get Your Next Lead

    A dynamic, revolutionary resource for data-driven real estate professionals, PropertyRadar harnesses the power of public record data and pairs it with an innovative and accessible technology-first interface, allowing you to seamlessly learn more about your community and the properties within it. 

    And that’s putting it lightly.

    owner-cards-popPropertyRadar has over 150 million properties and over 1 billion prospective client phones and emails.

    What is that? Sounds like the sound of your next quality lead knocking.

    “Today, if I want a data-driven strategy, I need a service like PropertyRadar,” notes Dev Horn, VP of Marketing for national realty conglomerate,

    Working for a license-model organization that forges productive partnerships with real estate companies across the country who need fundamental property data to succeed, Horn understands the intrinsic value of having the right tools and the right information. 

    “With great tools like PropertyRadar, our business does better because our clients do better.”


    If you have a property you want information on – PropertyRadar is your go-to source.

    It eliminates the need to trek on down to city hall and scavenge through historical records, leafing through residence by residence to find what you’re looking for.

    But if you think PropertyRadar’s uses stop with singular house look-up – you've got another thing coming.


    So we’ve gone ahead and listed out 10 unexpected upsides to this cutting-edge tech, ranging from complex use cases to uncommon features that put it miles beyond any lead-gen competition.

    You want a one-stop-shop resource to keep you in the realty game? You got it.

    10 Things You Didn’t Know PropertyRadar Could Do For You

    1. Build Customized Lists That Update Automatically And Provide In-Depth Insights

    We’re not burying the headline. We’re starting big, and we’re sticking to it. 

    First of the features you need to know about is PropertyRadar’s genius capability to create personalized lists of properties based on your specific criteria.


    Make it as complex or as clean as you’d like; add one filter, add ten – you name it.

    PropertyRadar is the industry leader in search criteria, boasting over 250+ to choose from.

    You narrow those filters to a specific search radius of your own choosing, and we’ll do the heavy lifting behind the scenes to make sure it’s error-free and automatically grows.

    New leads without even trying? You heard us. 

    Not only can you actively store this information – which is a giant step beyond buying outdated property information – but you can effortlessly switch on the monitoring feature so your lists automatically update (and you receive a handy alert) when new properties and new information become available.

    Mic drop? Yeah, a little bit.

    “The idea that we could create a set of criteria, define a list, and then monitor that set of criteria – it was unique to PropertyRadar,” explains Horn. “This is something special.”

    And working within an industry that requires immediacy – to be the first with an offer, the first to reach out, the first to know when a new property is available… 

    PropertyRadar’s monitoring feature is a game changer. 

    “We could be the first to know that someone has inherited a property or gotten the title changed to them, and now they absentee own a property they just inherited, and now we can see that person, and we can reach out to them,” Horn notes.    

    And what does it feel like to be the first to reach out? The first on the scene?

    Evolving your methods and winning the game. 

    This ensures your info is always accurate, that you can act faster than the competition, and that you never miss a property that matches just what you’re looking for.

    Even better? Get access to in-depth insights to better understand the demographics of each and every one of your lists. 

    Want to know how these property owners are similar?

    How they’re different?

    The average equity they have in their homes?

    The average time they’ve lived there?

    These insights enable you to adjust your marketing and personalize your approach to relevant homeowners with specific outreach and opportunities that are the perfect fit for them.

    More specific messaging and a higher probability of success for you? All in a day’s work.

    With PropertyRadar personalized lists, you’re not only getting the vital information you need, but you also have your own pocket analyst breaking everything down for you.

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    2. Not Sure How To Start That Personalized List? Tap Easy Quick Lists For Your Next Template

    Not quite how to build that personalized list of yours to track? We make it simple.

    Start with any one of our Quick Lists, separated by property industry, and find the one most applicable to you.


    Afraid your niche case won’t make the cut? Don’t be.

    We have dozens of occupations to choose from and even more templates within each, equaling hundreds upon hundreds of possibilities.

    In other words? Everything you need to jumpstart your search and start building that list of new leads.

    list-filtersA property investor looking for cash buyers? We got you.

    A residential realtor digging for high-equity owners? Done.

    Small business owners seeking info on new homeowners in the neighborhood? Easy.

    Use these popular searches as your jumping-off point, and layer on additional filters effortlessly to find the specific location, residences, and homeowners you’re looking for.

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    3. Customize Your Own Unique Search Region For Out Of The Box Results

    Gone are the archaic days where you’re tethered to government-drawn county and city lines of traditional MLS search engines to uncover your properties. 

    If you’re looking at the non-personalized confines of one specific zip code, you can bet every other real estate professional in the area is doing the same.

    So, what do you do? Change the damn rules.

    Draw your own map and create a custom database of residences.

    Be hyper-targeted and eliminate the areas you don’t want to see.

    Leverage our drawing tools to pinpoint exact streets, neighborhoods, and regions you want information on.  

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    “I think the thing that impresses me the most is this integration of multiple data sources into a very comfortable interface that allows us to search by anything that we can imagine – a county or city, a polygon,” emphasizes Horn. “When you start adding those things all together…that’s why we’re with PropertyRadar today.” 

    And for an organization present in over thirty states and hundreds of real estate markets across the U.S. – that’s saying something.

    PropertyRadar unlocks the power of geo-farming, as well as deepens your own understanding of a specific group of properties in an instant. 

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    4. Anticipate Real Estate Needs And Reach Prospective Clients First

    PropertyRadar’s wildly smart, anticipatory tech provides valuable suggestions around potential client groups and their future real estate needs.

    This allows you to connect with prospective buyers and sellers within distinct categories – such as downsizers, empty nesters, first-time homebuyers, and more who may not have that for sale sign up just yet.

    skip-tracing-heroAnticipating short-term future needs instantly puts you ahead of the competition and allows you a thoughtful, personalized in to helping these prospective clients before others do.

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    5. Use Heat Maps For A Quick Visual Of The Market

    Gaining understanding of the market through thorough insights and multifaceted data? A solid first base hit.

    Gaining that same understanding within seconds from a PropertyRadar heat map? An out-of-the-park homerun.

    PropertyRadar leverages patented technology to give you a high-level look into your hyperlocal market.


    Check estimated home values in seconds.

    Learn the demographic of homeowners in an instant.

    Become an expert on a street or neighborhood within minutes without the hassle of searching residence by residence. 

    Spot patterns, learn in bulk, and make your assessments in half the time.

    Being successful in the realty market means being an expert on your surroundings. PropertyRadar helps you get there.

    6. Deep Dive With Comprehensive Property Profiles

    PropertyRadar does more than simply tell you the surface-level facts.

    “The magic moment for people is when I click on a record in the list, and then they realize that this isn’t just a list,” explains Horn. 

    “Each one of these records is a portal into that property.”

    find-better-opportunitiesTake an inside look into each and every property, and find extensive home and transaction history, full homeowner contact information, as well as comparables so you can better understand nearby properties, comps in the area, and more. 

    Consider Google and MLS searches a thing of the past.

    Get more information in less time with PropertyRadar.

    And get it on absolutely any property across the United States.

    That’s the full power of public records in your pocket.

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    7. Leverage End-To-End Marketing To Reach Who You Want, When You Want

    PropertyRadar is not just research.

    It’s research and contact. It’s completely end-to-end.

    Public records can’t do that.

    list-how-to-use“It has certainly leveled up my profitability in just one try,” notes Patrice Starks, a realty professional who leads Legacy Audit & Recovery, a family-owned equity auditing firm in Dallas, Texas.

    With over 1 billion prospective client phones and emails, your next lead is just a few clicks away. Literally.

    marketing-reviewPlus, we are one of the only data resources that allows you to filter out any homeowners without available contact information, so you’re not stuck with a list of unreachable properties.

    This makes absolutely sure any personalized list you create has the resources you need to outreach to each and every individual. 

    Want to reach a potential customer by email? Sure thing. 

    By phone? Can do.

    By social media? Absolutely.

    By online ads? Totally.

    By direct mail? 100%.

    PropertyRadar is great for multi-channel campaigns.

    market-to-homeownersAnd now sending direct mail is easy through our very own digital marketplace.

    Design your own postcards via effortlessly simple templates and immediately send to any personalized list of your choosing. Printing and postage included. 

    Not included? The increase you’ll see to your bottom line.

    But don’t worry, we think you have that one covered. 

    “I took a list of 40 and did a simple mail out, $0.58 a piece,” notes Starks. “Over the holidays, that turned into four leads, which is going to net me right at about $83,000.”

    “58 cents and $83,000 – you do the math, that’s a pretty good ROI.”

    Physical marketing has never ever been this dang simple.

    8. Driving For Dollars Suddenly Got Much Simpler

    The age-old practice of driving for dollars is an undisputed staple in the real estate market.

    Canvassing neighborhoods for properties of interest or snaking through side streets to simply better understand a certain block or community is a fundamental necessity when attempting to gain knowledge of your surroundings for new leads. 

    driving-for-dollars-distressBut for a chore that once demanded pen and paper, PropertyRadar has seriously leveled it up with their mobile app.

    Now, you can get GPS-optimized driving that tracks your progress and allows you to tap into property info on the go – right from the driver’s seat


    Record your route and document your findings right into your cell phone.

    Got photos? Notes? Follow-ups needed?

    Add that info and more right to the property page for that home within your PropertyRadar account (and toss that 99-cent notebook in the trash while you’re at it).

    “In years past when I was driving for dollars, I’d have to ride around with a notepad, and write down a million addresses, and get back to the house, and then punch all those addresses in,” muses Sacramento-based realtor Bryan Lincoln.

    “But now, I can just click a couple times, and a postcard is already sent.”

    Sending your next marketing campaign right from behind the wheel? That’s the new reality.

    Another plus of PropertyRadar on the go? It’s ideal for a real estate team.

    drive-for-dollars-routes (1)Track their individual progress in neighborhoods – including their routes, accomplishments, and time spent. Instantly understand varying approaches and immediately uncover what communities are goldmines and who may need additional support. 

    9. Third-Party Integrations? You Got It. x4000 

    At this point, you know PropertyRadar is so much more than just a lead generation, data-driven information source.

    But what you may not know is that you don’t have to overhaul your existing systems to add our platform to your reservoir.

    with-contextUse PropertyRadar with Zapier to seamlessly connect to thousands of outside tools, apps, services, and CRMs.

    Effortlessly automate campaigns and filter the new leads you find through PropertyRadar into your existing services to not only keep up your existing progress but amplify it.  

    Adding new tools without sacrificing convenience and existing workflows? No big deal. 

    10. Need Project Management Software? Oh Yeah, We’ve Got That Too

    Toggle to the right-hand side of your PropertyRadar account, and you’ll see a variety of views to make your Scrooge McDuck swan-dive into data even easier.

    The best yet? The Workflow view.

    Now, you can break down each and every personalized list of properties into actionable steps, creating your own Kanban board and scrum process with custom project management software. 

    brrrr-investment-scalableCreate your own statuses, edit them whenever you’d like, and customize them based on the list you have.

    Ideal for organizing the steps you’ve taken with each property, you can easily queue up your to-dos for the day without a second thought.

    Need to call these five properties? Done.

    Left voicemails with these ten? Simple.

    Scheduled meetings with these three? Great.

    Make your laundry list of leads an actionable step-by-step agenda right from your own PropertyRadar account.

    Who needs Jira, Asana, Trello, or Notion when you can do it all in one place?

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    Get The Most Out Of Your Leads With PropertyRadar

    In an ever-changing industry, you have to do the most to stay on top of your game.

    You have to constantly evolve, try new things, and be committed to optimizing what’s working in order to stay one step ahead of the competition.

    hyperlocal-marketing-automation (1)And in the real estate market, it’s all about your leads.

    How to find them, and how to get the most out of them.

    “I am in no ways Oprah Winfrey, but – you know - she has her favorite things, so in my illustrious eleven months in this business, I have built up a list of favorite things and PropertyRadar is one of those.” 

    So why wouldn’t you take a chance on a dynamic platform that not only provides you with the most information in order to retrieve new leads but also provides dozens of ways to investigate your new leadscontact your new leads, and even disseminate your leads into next steps to help you to help them?

    hyperlocal-marketing-step-by-stepRemember, to stay alive in this market, you need more leads in less time

    “Right now, with the tools of PropertyRadar, it’s allowing me to maintain relevancy,” Lincoln emphasizes. 

    “It’s my right hand,” Starks explains.

    PropertyRadar isn’t just changing the game. It’s blowing it out of the water. 

    With more features, more data, and more ways to find properties, homeowners, and opportunities – you simply can’t afford to avoid the new wave of lead generation powering the real estate industry. 

    skip-trace-whenSo, what’s stopping you?

    Get started today with a free PropertyRadar trial and see how you can change the game with over 150 million properties. 

    Get Started →