
    Top 27 Resources For Your Real Estate Flipping Business

    Top 27 Resources For Your Real Estate Flipping Business

    Ready to crush it in the real estate flipping game? It's all about knowing the right resources and where to find them.

    However, figuring out where to start can be daunting (to say the least).

    So, we've compiled a list of 27 of the best resources for your flipping business that cover everything from financing to property acquisition, renovation, marketing, and more.

    First, we’ll look at some of the most essential books for anyone looking to succeed in the real estate flipping business. Then, we'll move on to the best videos and podcasts that offer comprehensive coverage on a wide range of topics focused on real estate flipping.

    Let’s dive in…

    Top 10 Books for your flipping business

    Top 10 Videos for your flipping business

    Top 7 Podcasts for your flipping business

    Top 10 Books for your flipping business

    If you're looking to start or grow a real estate flipping business, reading books written by experienced and knowledgeable authors is a great place to start, since they offer clear, actionable advice that you can apply directly to your own business.

    Some of these books also focus on personal growth and mindset development, which are crucial aspects for any entrepreneur or business owner looking to achieve long-term success in the industry.

    In this section, we’ll check out their summaries and actionable steps you can apply right away from each work - without having to spend hours reading each!

    1. "The Book on Flipping Houses" by J. Scott 


    This comprehensive guide to flipping houses provides an in-depth look at the entire process, from finding and financing properties to rehabbing and selling them for profit. J. Scott shares his experience and offers practical advice on every aspect of the business.

    Actionable steps

    • Evaluate the potential of a property by analyzing the market, neighborhood, and property condition.
    • Calculate the maximum allowable offer (MAO) to ensure you make a profitable investment.
    • Secure financing through different methods, such as hard money loans, private loans, or traditional mortgages.
    • Build a reliable team, including contractors, inspectors, and real estate agents.
    • Develop a systematic rehab process, including estimating costs and creating a project timeline.
    • Market and sell the property effectively to maximize profit.

    2. "Flip" by Rick Villani and Clay Davis 


    "Flip" covers the fundamentals of flipping houses with practical advice, case studies, and real-world examples. The book outlines a systematic approach to finding, fixing, and selling houses for a profit.

    Actionable steps

    • Use the "1% Rule" to determine if a property is worth flipping (potential profit should be at least 1% of the purchase price).
    • Follow the "70% Rule" to calculate the maximum you should pay for a property (purchase price should be no more than 70% of the after-repair value, minus rehab costs).
    • Assess the property's condition and estimate repair costs accurately.
    • Develop a project plan and timeline for the rehab process.
    • Understand and navigate the financing options available for flipping projects.
    • Implement effective marketing strategies to sell the property quickly and at the highest price.

    3. "The Millionaire Real Estate Investor" by Gary Keller 


    This book compiles the wisdom of over 100 millionaire real estate investors, sharing their strategies, experiences, and advice to help readers build wealth through real estate investing, including flipping.

    Actionable steps

    • Adopt the mindset of a successful investor, focusing on long-term wealth-building and financial freedom.
    • Use the "Criteria, Terms, and Network" approach to identify and evaluate profitable investment opportunities.
    • Develop a solid investment plan outlining your financial goals and the strategies you will use to achieve them.
    • Build a strong network of professionals, including real estate agents, lenders, contractors, and other investors.
    • Continuously educate yourself and stay updated on market trends to make informed investment decisions.

    4. "BiggerPockets Presents: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Real Estate Investing" by Joshua Dorkin and Brandon Turner 


    This beginner-friendly guide covers various real estate investment strategies, including flipping houses. It provides an introduction to the basics of investing and practical advice on how to get started.

    Actionable steps

    • Choose the right real estate investment strategy based on your goals, resources, and risk tolerance.
    • Learn how to find, analyze, and finance investment properties.
    • Understand the importance of building a team of professionals to support your investing journey.
    • Develop a long-term investment plan and track your progress.
    • Continuously educate yourself and network with other investors to stay informed and expand your opportunities.

    5. "The Real Estate Wholesaling Bible" by Than Merrill 


    This book focuses on the concept of wholesaling, which involves finding undervalued properties and selling them to other investors, including house flippers. It provides a step-by-step guide to wholesaling and how it can complement your flipping business.

    Actionable steps:

    • Build a strong network of cash buyers, including house flippers, landlords, and other investors.
    • Develop a marketing strategy to find motivated sellers and undervalued properties.
    • Learn how to analyze potential deals and negotiate with sellers.
    • Create a legally binding wholesale

    6. "The Book on Estimating Rehab Costs" by J. Scott 


    This book focuses on accurately estimating renovation costs and creating realistic budgets for flipping projects. It provides an in-depth understanding of the various components involved in rehabbing a property and offers practical advice on managing the rehab process.

    Actionable steps

    • Familiarize yourself with the various components of a rehab project, such as structural, plumbing, electrical, and cosmetic repairs.
    • Learn to identify common repair items and their associated costs.
    • Develop a system for categorizing and estimating repair costs based on property size and scope of work.
    • Create a detailed scope of work and a realistic budget for each project.
    • Manage your rehab projects efficiently by tracking progress, controlling costs, and adjusting your budget.

    7. "The Book on Rental Property Investing" by Brandon Turner 


    This book offers insights into creating wealth and passive income through intelligent buy-and-hold real estate investing. While the focus is on rental properties, the principles and strategies discussed can be applied to diversify your real estate investment portfolio alongside flipping.

    Actionable steps

    • Determine your investment goals and criteria for rental properties.
    • Learn how to find and analyze potential rental property investments.
    • Understand various financing options for acquiring rental properties.
    • Develop a property management system to efficiently manage and maintain your rental properties.
    • Explore strategies to minimize vacancies, increase rental income, and maximize the long-term value of your rental properties.

    8. "Real Estate Investing Gone Bad" by Phil Pustejovsky


    This book shares 21 true stories of real estate investing mistakes and what not to do when investing in real estate and flipping houses. It highlights the importance of learning from others' experiences and avoiding common pitfalls.

    Actionable steps

    • Learn from the mistakes and failures of others to avoid making the same errors.
    • Understand the importance of due diligence when evaluating potential investments.
    • Develop a risk management strategy to minimize potential losses.
    • Foster a growth mindset and learn from your own mistakes and setbacks.
    • Continuously educate yourself and seek guidance from experienced investors to improve your investing skills.

    9. "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki


    This book provides a foundational understanding of personal finance, investing, and wealth-building principles. While not specifically focused on real estate flipping, the lessons can be applied to any entrepreneurial endeavor or investment strategy.

    Actionable steps

    • Understand the difference between assets and liabilities and focus on acquiring income-generating assets.
    • Develop financial intelligence and learn to make money work for you.
    • Embrace an entrepreneur's and investor's mindset rather than solely relying on earned income from a job.
    • Leverage the power of financial education to make informed investment decisions.
    • Apply the principles of wealth-building to your real estate flipping business.

    10. "The ABCs of Real Estate Investing" by Ken McElroy


    This book offers proven techniques for finding profitable real estate deals and maximizing your returns on investment. It provides an introduction to real estate investing, including flipping, and shares actionable insights to help you succeed in the industry.

    Actionable steps

    • Understand the importance of market research and learn how to identify emerging markets and neighborhoods with potential for growth.
    • Develop a system for finding and evaluating potential real estate investments.
    • Learn how to negotiate effectively and structure deals that maximize your return on investment.
    • Build a strong team of professionals, including real estate agents, contractors, property managers, and lenders.
    • Continuously monitor your investments and adjust your strategy to stay ahead of market trends and changes.


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    Top 10 Videos for your flipping business

    With over 300 hours of content uploaded to YouTube every minute, there are endless videos available online that can help you learn how to grow your real estate flipping business. 

    We've chosen a list of 10 highly informative videos from experienced real estate investors and entrepreneurs. 

    These videos offer comprehensive coverage of various topics related to real estate flipping, including financing, property acquisition, renovation, marketing, and managing a successful flipping business.

    1. BiggerPockets: "How to Flip Houses - Five Steps to Success" by Brandon Turner 

    Why you should watch

    Brandon Turner, a seasoned real estate investor and author, shares his insights and experience to guide beginners through the essential steps to flip houses successfully. 

    The video covers five key steps: finding deals, analyzing deals, financing the purchase, managing rehab projects, and selling the property. 

    Brandon offers practical advice and actionable tips to help viewers navigate each step and build a successful real estate flipping business.

    2. Phil Pustejovsky: "House Flipping Formula" 

    Why you should watch

    Phil Pustejovsky's video is helpful as it presents a proven formula for flipping houses, drawn from his experience as a successful real estate investor and mentor. 

    The video covers the entire process, from finding potential properties to selling them for a profit. Key points include understanding market cycles, analyzing properties for profitability, securing financing, managing rehab projects, and effectively marketing the finished property. 

    Phil's straightforward approach and practical tips make this video invaluable for aspiring house flippers.

    3. Morris Invest: "How to Start Flipping Houses" by Clayton Morris 

    Why you should watch

    Clayton Morris shares his insights on the basics of house flipping in this informative video. 

    It's helpful for beginners looking to understand the fundamental strategies and principles of flipping houses. The video covers key aspects such as finding deals, assessing property conditions, estimating rehab costs, and managing renovation. 

    Clayton also provides valuable advice on minimizing risks and maximizing profits, making this video an excellent starting point for those new to the real estate flipping business.

    4. PropertyRadar: "Scaling Your Flipping and Wholesaling Business" by Sean O’Toole and Bill Allen 

    Why you should watch

    The video is an interview with Bill Allen, a former Naval Officer and current real estate investor, entrepreneur, and educator. 

    He shares insights on how he built his company, 7 Figure Flipping, and his experience in the real estate market, including his marketing strategies and the role of mastermind groups in his success. 

    He also discusses the impact of Covid-19 on the real estate market and provides details on his annual event, Flip Hacking Live.

    5. FortuneBuilders: "Flipping Houses 101: How to Get Started" by Than Merrill 

    Why you should watch

    Than Merrill's video is a comprehensive introduction to flipping houses, making it helpful for those looking to start or grow their real estate flipping business. 

    The video covers essential topics like finding deals, obtaining financing, rehabbing properties, and selling them for a profit. 

    Than shares his expertise as a successful real estate investor and educator, providing viewers with valuable insights, strategies, and tips to succeed in the competitive world of house flipping.

    6. Flipping Mastery TV: "How to Flip Houses with No Money and No Credit" by Jerry Norton 

    Why you should watch

    Jerry Norton's video is helpful for aspiring real estate investors with limited funds or credit. He explains using creative financing methods like wholesaling and partnering with other investors to flip houses without needing significant capital upfront. 

    Key points covered in the video include finding motivated sellers, negotiating favorable deals, and leveraging the expertise of experienced investors to finance and manage rehab projects. 

    Jerry's innovative approach and practical advice make this video valuable for those looking to break into the house-flipping business with limited resources.

    7. Max Maxwell: "Wholesaling Real Estate 101: The Basics" 

    Why you should watch

    Max Maxwell's video focuses on the basics of wholesaling real estate, a strategy that can help aspiring house flippers find undervalued properties without needing significant capital upfront. 

    The video is helpful because it clearly explains the wholesaling process, from building a network of cash buyers to finding motivated sellers and negotiating deals. 

    Max's step-by-step approach and practical tips make this video a valuable resource for those looking to flip homes.

    8. Graham Stephan: "How to Flip Houses - My First House Flip" 

    Why you should watch

    Graham Stephan's video is helpful as it provides a first-hand account of his experience with his first house flip. 

    He candidly discusses the challenges he faced, the mistakes he made, and the lessons he learned throughout the process. Key points covered in the video include finding and analyzing potential deals, managing the renovation process, and navigating unexpected obstacles. 

    By sharing his personal experiences and insights, Graham helps viewers learn from his successes and failures. This video is an excellent resource for those looking to start their real estate flipping journey.

    9. Clever Investor: "How to Make Money Flipping Houses" by Cody Sperber 

    Why you should watch

    "How to Make Money Flipping Houses" by Cody Sperber Cody Sperber's video is helpful as it offers practical strategies and tips for making money flipping houses, drawn from his extensive experience as a successful real estate investor and educator. 

    The video covers essential aspects of the flipping process, such as finding profitable deals, accurately analyzing properties, and efficiently managing rehab projects. Cody also shares his insights on the importance of building a strong team of professionals and leveraging technology to streamline the flipping process. 

    His practical advice and proven strategies make this video a valuable resource for those looking to grow their real estate flipping business.

    10. Kevin Paffrath (Meet Kevin): "How to Start Flipping Houses with $10,000" 

    Why you should watch

    Kevin Paffrath's video is helpful for aspiring house flippers working with a limited budget. He explains how to start flipping houses with just $10,000, discussing topics like finding undervalued properties, leveraging creative financing options, and effectively managing rehab costs. 

    Kevin also shares his insights on the importance of building a network of professionals and using technology to streamline the flipping process. 

    By providing practical tips and real-world examples, Kevin's video offers valuable guidance for those looking to break into the house-flipping business without a substantial upfront investment.

    These videos offer valuable insights, strategies, and advice from experienced real estate investors, helping you learn how to grow your real estate flipping business. 


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    Top 7 Podcasts for your flipping business

    Need to get flipping advice on the go? You’re in the right place. 

    In this section, we’ve chosen seven of our favorite podcasts that feature interviews with successful real estate investors and provide actionable advice and insights for listeners. 

    These podcasts cover everything from practical tips and case studies to market trends and data analysis discussions. 

    1. BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast

    Why you should listen

    The BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast is hosted by Brandon Turner and David Greene and covers a wide range of real estate investing topics, including flipping. 

    The show features interviews with successful real estate investors and provides actionable advice and insights for listeners. 

    The hosts bring in experts in the real estate field to share their experiences, tips, and tricks that can help any real estate investor succeed.

    2. The Flip Talk Podcast

    Why you should listen

    Hosted by Don Costa, The Flip Talk Podcast provides insights into the flipping business and practical tips and strategies for real estate investors. 

    The show features interviews with experts in the field, as well as case studies of successful flipping projects. 

    The podcast is great for new and experienced flippers looking to gain insight into the latest trends and techniques.

    3. Data Driven Real Estate Podcast

    Why you should listen

    Data Driven Real Estate podcast by PropertyRadar provides insights into the use of data in real estate investing, including flipping. 

    Hosted by Aaron Norris, the show features interviews with real estate data analysis experts, as well as practical tips and strategies for using data to make better investment decisions. 

    The podcast is great for flippers looking to gain a competitive edge in the market by leveraging data to find and evaluate potential deals.

    4. Rental Income Podcast

    Why you should listen

    Hosted by Dan Lane, the Rental Income Podcast focuses on rental properties and includes discussions on flipping properties. 

    The show features interviews with successful real estate investors and provides insights into their strategies and experiences. 

    The podcast is great for investors looking to gain practical tips for buying, renovating, and selling properties.

    5. The House Flipping HQ Podcast

    Why you should listen

    Hosted by Justin Williams, The House Flipping HQ Podcast is dedicated to flipping properties. 

    The show provides practical tips and strategies for new and experienced flippers and interviews with successful investors. 

    The podcast is great for anyone looking to gain insight into the house-flipping business and how to be successful at it.

    6. Flipping Junkie Podcast

    Why you should listen

    Hosted by Danny Johnson, the Flipping Junkie Podcast is focused on the flipping business and provides practical tips and strategies for listeners. 

    The show features interviews with successful investors and discussions on market trends and best practices. 

    The podcast is great for new and experienced flippers looking to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the industry.

    7. The Flip Empire Show

    Why you should listen

    Hosted by Alex Pardo, The Flip Empire Show provides insights into the flipping business and practical tips and strategies for real estate investors. 

    The show features interviews with successful investors and case studies of successful flipping projects. 

    The podcast is great for new and experienced flippers looking to gain insight into the latest trends and techniques.


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