
    Announcing ForeclosureRadar 2.0

    Announcing ForeclosureRadar 2.0

    Although it is now 1am, I am very pleased and excited to announce that ForeclosureRadar 2.0 is now live. Work on this release began as a brainstorming session between myself and the engineering team almost one year ago. It is in many ways a complete replacement of the prior version which better represents my original vision for the service and which incorporates most of the feedback we have received over the last year, as well as great input from our team. Most importantly it puts in place a platform upon which we can more easily grow.

    Some of the highlights of the new release include:

    • Faster search performance..
    • Twice the search options to find exactly what you're looking for.
    • Map and list views that are viewable at the same time.
    • Enhanced printing now includes maps, and a new Foreclosure Comps report.
    • New email tools for getting information to partners, clients and leads quickly.
    • Optimized driving directions allow you to efficiently visit many foreclosures.
    • Customizable displays let you see the information you want, where you want it.
    • And much more.

    Version 2.0 is available now, and can be found by simply clicking the Log In tab on the ForeclosureRadar home page.

    More to follow, but for now let me just say thank you to our customers for their fantastic feedback and suggestions, our engineers for putting in many long hours to get this done, my wife and son for putting up with the long hours I've spent, and my office manager for keeping me and everything else running smoothly.

    Please take the new version for a spin and let us know what you think

    Best regards, Sean