
    Investor Turkey Shoot

    Investor Turkey Shoot

    A record-high 23,117 trustee sales are scheduled for sale Monday, November 30th, in the coverage area (CA, AZ, NV, WA, OR). Because state laws do not allow trustee sales on state holidays, we expected to see a significant bump in sales Monday. However, the total number of trustee sales per day for the region is typically five to six thousand.

    To cover Thursday, Friday, and Monday, the number of sales should reflect three days (15,000 – 18,000). In addition, trustee sales typically slow during the holidays and see a bump in January. So it’s a little surprising to see four days' worth of sales from a three-day period right after Thanksgiving. That being said, it doesn’t mean 23,117 families will lose their homes on Monday. Lately, ninety percent of trustee sales are just postponed to another day.